Blockade diary of Nadiya Sukhorukova is published as a book
Book #Маріуполь #Надія/#Mariupol #Nadia (Nadia is a Ukrainian name meaning ‘hope’) based on the blockade diary of Nadia Sukhorukova was published. Mariupol journalist Nadia Sukhorukova wrote it in March-April 2022, and published the texts on social networks. Now they are
12 films during a year
A year ago, on March 15, 2022, seven Ukrainian producers got together and created the Organization of Ukrainian Producers. Volodymyr Borodyansky, Daria Leygonie Fialko, Alla Lipovetskaya, Marina Kvasova, Iryna Zarya, Igor Storchak, Viktor Myrsky. Since then, 12 films have been created: 11